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音樂治療師的線上工具箱 5 Online Tools for Music Therapists

Updated: Jul 7, 2023

👈 Click to read in English

❓How to participate in music therapy session virtually without having any instruments at home? Make good use of 3C products to have children enjoy playing music anywhere. The three simple and easy-to-operate online applications describe below can be operated on mobile phones, tablets, and computers (the difficulty of the followings can be adjusted according to the participants)👇👇👇 🎵Chrome Music Lab developed by Google has a total of 14 simple and easy-to-use music interactive experiences. Through different interfaces, adults and children can easily play music at home. Here are 3 of the music interactive games: 👉Rhythm:

provide 4 preset rhythm combinations with advanced function to adjust the rhythm

How to Play:

  • the therapist sets the rhythm and assigns the client to follow the rhythm with the given instructions

  • Possible treatment goals: sustained attention, following 1-step direction

  • Suitable for: everyone


Allow users to draw their music images through different colored brushes

How to play:

  • Basic Level 1️⃣ the therapist and the client take turns to verbally describe a shape and ask each other to draw it

  • Basic Level 2️⃣ the therapist and the client take turns to draw a shape and ask each other to name the shape

  • Advanced Level 1️⃣ the therapist can add adjective descriptions to make the instructions more specific to a shape, such as: big/small/long/short retengle.

  • Advanced Level 2️⃣ specify the theme to draw, such as: English name, emoji, mountain climbing on a sunny day, nature on a rainy day, snowman in snow. Then invite the client to press the music play button at the bottom of the center, so that the client can immediately hear the feedback of the sound.

  • Possible treatment goals: Cognitive function (shape, scenario)

  • Suitable for: 3 years old and above

👉Melody Maker:

A Simple music creation and editing software (somewhat similar to the simple version of GarageBand)

How to play:

  • 1️⃣ First introduce the difference between row and column (horizontal is row; vertical is column). The therapist verbally assigns a location (eg, the second column of the third row), and then the client must click on the assigned location (eg, the second column of the third row).

  • 2️⃣ First introduce the colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple). The therapist assigns different colors for the client to click, for example: 🔴🟣🟢🟠🔵. Then invite the client to press the music play button at the bottom of the center, so that the client can immediately hear the feedback of the sound

  • Possible treatment goals: Cognitive function (spatial, color)

  • Suitable for: 3 years old and above


👉Blob Opera (Opera is fun):

There are four chubby monsters, from right to left, bass, tenor, soprano, and soprano. Use the mouse to pull one of them, the higher the sound, the higher the sound~

How to play:

  • You can 🎬 record a video in the lower left corner, choose country to perform from the lower right corner (🌎 Earth symbol), and choose to sing a song in the lower right corner (🎶 Note Playlist). This activity can be interspersed within sessions, giving the client a positive reinforcement after completing a specific task.

  • Possible therapeutic goals: reward mechanisms/positive reinforcement

  • Suitable for: everyone

🎵Xylophone: xylophone app

How to play:

  • Basic Level 1️⃣ The therapist first introduces the 7 colors on the mini xylophone keyboard, and then takes turns with the client to designate the other person to play the color. For example, play the red key when seeing the Red 🔴 stickers)

  • Advanced Level 1️⃣ The therapist demonstrates playing a song with a mini xylophone, such as: Little Bee. Paste the corresponding pitch of the melody of the song with colored dot stickers, and then invite the client to play the song accordingly.

  • Possible treatment goals: Cognitive function (color matching)

  • Suitable for: 3 years old and above

🔗 LINKS: Chrome Music Lab (音樂實驗室) Blob Opera (歌劇好好玩) Xylophone (迷你木琴) Assisted melody (認識樂譜) Paint with music (音樂圖畫)

❓疫情當下想做音樂治療,在家卻沒有樂器怎麼辦呢?善用3C產品讓孩子👧🏻在家也能安心享受音樂的樂趣,以下介紹的3個簡單好操作的線上軟體都可以在手機、平板、電腦上操作 (以下玩法可依個案程度進行難易度與順序之調整)

🎵Chrome Music Lab

由Google開發的Chrome Music Lab (音樂實驗室),共有14種簡單好上手的音樂互動體驗,透過不同的介面,大朋友小朋友也可以在家輕鬆玩音樂。以下是其中的3種音樂互動遊戲可以提供個案:

👉Rhythm (創造節奏): 提供4種預設好的節奏組合,同時也有調整節奏的進階功能。

  • 怎麼玩:治療師把節奏設定好並指定個案跟著節奏跟著指令一起律動

  • 可能的治療目標:持續性專注力、遵循指令

  • 適合對象: 所有人

👉Kandisky (畫出一段旋律): 透過不同色的畫筆讓使用者畫出他們的音樂圖🎨

  • 怎麼玩:

    • 基本玩法1️⃣ 治療師與個案輪流用口語指定一個形狀請對方畫出來。

    • 基本玩法2️⃣ 治療師與個案輪流畫出一個形狀請對方講出名稱。

    • 進階玩法1️⃣ 治療師可以加入形容詞的描述將指令更明確化,例如:大/小/長/短。

    • 進階玩法2️⃣ 指定主題作畫,例如:英文姓名、表情符號、晴天去爬山、雨天中的大自然、雪地裡堆雪人。接著邀請個案按下正中間下方的音樂播放鍵,讓個案可以立即的聽見聲音的回饋,增加線上療程中的有趣度。

  • 可能的治療目標:認知功能(形狀、情境)

  • 適合對象: 3歲以上

👉Melody Maker (玩旋律): 簡單的音樂創作編輯軟體(有點類似簡易版的GarageBand)

  • 怎麼玩:

    • 玩法1️⃣ 先介紹排與列之差別 (橫向是排;縱向是列) 。治療師說出一個指定的位置 (例如:第三排的第二列),然後個案必須按出所指定之位置 (例如:第三排的第二列)。

    • 玩法2️⃣ 先介紹顏色 (紅橙黃綠藍靛紫)。治療師指定不同顏色讓個案按,例如:🔴🟣🟢🟠🔵。接著邀請個案按下正中間下方的音樂播放鍵,讓個案可以立即的聽見聲音的回饋,增加線上療程中的有趣度。

  • 可能的治療目標:認知功能(方位、顏色)

  • 適合對象: 3歲以上

🎵Blob Opera (歌劇好好玩): 有四隻胖胖怪,由右至左,分別為男低音、男高音、次女高音、女高音。利用滑鼠拉動其中一隻,越往上音越高~

  • 怎麼玩:左下角可🎬錄製影片,右下角(🌎地球符號)可選擇表演的地區,右下角(🎶音符歌單)可選擇演唱歌曲。此活動可穿插於療程中,讓個案在完成一項特定任務後可以藉由玩這個當作獎賞。

  • 可能的治療目標:獎賞機制

  • 適合對象: 所有人

🎵Xylophone (迷你木琴): 線上模擬小木琴

  • 怎麼玩:

    • 基本玩法1️⃣ 治療師先介紹迷你木琴鍵盤上的7種顏色,接著與個案輪流指定對方敲出顏色,例如:看到紅色🔴貼紙要敲紅色🔴)

    • 進階玩法1️⃣ 治療師示範用迷你木琴敲出一首歌,例如:小蜜蜂。並將此曲的旋律用彩色貼紙貼出相對應的音高,再邀請個案照譜敲出歌曲。

  • 可能的治療目標:認知功能(顏色配對)

  • 適合對象: 3歲以上




Chrome Music Lab (音樂實驗室)

Assisted melody (認識樂譜)

Paint with music (音樂圖畫)



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