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工作分享543 - 綜合醫院裡的音樂治療師 Working as MTs in General Hospital

文、Eng/ #Lisa

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我過去任職的醫院系統裡的音樂治療program是由該醫院基金會資助,由兒童醫療輔導部門 (Child Life Department) 共同管理。 當時共有2位全職及1位兼職音樂治療師,分別服務成人綜合醫院與安養院、婦幼醫院與兒童血腫診所、及兒童復健中心。


我主要服務的團隊與單位包括緩和醫療 (palliative medicine)、行為健康 (behavioral health)、所有來自綜合醫院的轉介,後期共同負責婦幼醫院個案。 由於我看的病人來自醫院八層樓的各個單位,遍佈各種ICUs、一般病房、急診室、甚至檢驗室等,偶爾會在醫院迷路🤫,如何快速有效的與初次見面的病人的醫事照護人員溝通就至關重要了!


由此可見,如何有效快速地與其他醫療照護提供者 (health care provider) 建立良好且信任的合作關係、並即時溝通個案狀況,對提升個案的照護品質有很大影響;而專業間的溝通是我在醫院服務之後學習最多,也遇到許多挑戰的部分。 醫院裡的醫事人員來來去去,組成人員繁多,有很大多數的人員雖然看過我背著吉他跑來跑去,卻沒有真正的共事過,不知道具體「音樂治療師」這個專業在做什麼事,因此當我尋求個案的負責醫事人員了解病情或討論案情時,會準備一段15-30秒的「電梯簡報 (elevator pitch)」來介紹自己。


通常我習慣在第一次共事時快速介紹下列資訊: 提到完整的職稱「音樂治療師 music therapist」:增加專業辨識度,區別其他五花八門的稱呼👍

主要接受的轉介原因:身為一個認知與接受程度尚需倡導的專業,讓醫事人員知道什麼情況適合尋求音樂治療服務,可以幫助拓展音療能觸及的個案。以我當時服務的場域及團隊,有焦慮、疼痛、憂鬱傾向、長期住院、激躁 (agitation)、拒絕溝通等情形的個案適合轉介音樂治療。


總之,自介的重點是快速地讓共事對象知道 我是誰、來提供什麼協助、需要什麼資訊 讓個案能透過有效跨專業合作,獲得最完整的照護🔆



The Music Therapy program at the hospital that I previously served was compact and composed of 2 full-time MTs and 1 PRN/part-time MT. Unlike other hospitals with larger MT programs that have several MT designated to one specific unit/area, each of us had a couple of areas to cover while at the same time responding to consults that come all over from both the 8-story Main Hospital and 4-story Women & Children’s Hospital.

🌼The Importance of Efficient and Precise Interdisciplinary Communication in Patient Care

As a result, the abilities to efficiently communicate and build rapport with staff/providers become essential to fulfill the comprehensive patient care. At the same time, MTs are usually running around among different areas, having to constantly educate staff about music therapy services, such as the reasons/timing to consult MT; a lot of times, MTs have to communicate info/needs of patients (pt) with the staff that are unfamiliar to the MT service in order to provide the best quality of care to the pt they serve.

Not rarely will MT have to communicate needs of pt, either those needs that have been expressed by pt or assessed by MT, with pt’s assigned nurse. Although we all know that it’s after pt’s quality of care, a nurse's work may be added after communicating with an MT; and the way how MT communicates the pt’s needs effectively and pleasantly becomes essential skills. For example, when a pt demonstrates pain behavior during MT session, MT will communicate this observation with RN so that RN is aware of the need for PRN/scheduled pain meds if appropriate.

There are also times that MT encounters questions/concerns regarding pt’s medical condition; during those times pt’s assigned nurse and other providers that are involved in pt care are essential resources that MT may seek discussion with.



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