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音療實習準備三兩事 Ready, Set, Music Therapy Interns!

文/ #Monica Eng/ #Zoe

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即將展開音樂治療實習的你,是否已經做好準備? 實習是將所學理論應用於實際臨床的重要階段,能夠為你的專業成長奠定堅實的基礎。這裡有一些準備建議,幫助你在面對即將到來的挑戰時能夠更加從容自信:)


複習核心理論:音樂治療基礎概論、治療評估工具、 普通心理學、神經學、生理學 等

研究實習機構:了解機構背景、治療族群、詳閱實習簡章 (實習費用、服裝儀容、體檢報告、實習起訖日)


提升音樂技能:熟悉和弦進行、伴奏技巧(輕快/抒情) 自彈自唱、擴大曲庫,建立歌單(根據治療族群)

模擬治療情境:模擬治療情境,設計治療介入,練習即興、 歌曲創作等方法。


確定目標:明確列出你希望從實習中學到什麼,設置具體可達成的目標,例:音樂、治療、溝通方面 等。

心理準備:實習可能會帶來情感上的挑戰,提前思考如何應對 壓力和挑戰,為它們制定應對策略。


準備個人工具:樂器、錄音/影設備、平板、歌本、筆記本 等

收集相關文獻與資源:鎖定治療族群後,閱讀相關學術文章 參考網路現有影音資源



與同儕交流:與曾經或即將實習的同學交流,了解他們的經驗 和建議,建立支持系統。


安排住宿與交通:確保實習期間的住宿與交通等後勤安排妥當。 留意資格可否申請租屋補助。




Are you ready to start your music therapy internship?

Internships are a crucial stage where you apply what you've learned in theory to real clinical practice, laying a solid foundation for your professional growth. Here are some preparation tips to help you face the upcoming challenges with more ease and confidence! 😊

Theory and Knowledge Preparation

  1. Review Core Theories: Revisit foundational concepts in music therapy, therapeutic assessment tools, general psychology, neurology, and physiology.

  2. Research Internship Organizations: Learn about the organization’s background, the target therapy groups, and thoroughly read the internship guidelines (including fees, dress code, health check reports, and start and end dates of the internship).

Music and Therapy Skills Preparation

  1. Enhance Music Skills: Improve proficiency in chord progressions, accompaniment techniques (lively/lyrical), self-playing and singing, and expand your repertoire by creating song lists tailored to the therapeutic population.

  2. Simulate Therapeutic Scenarios: Practice designing therapeutic interventions, improvisation, and songwriting in simulated therapy situations.

Goal Setting and Personal Preparation

  1. Set Clear Goals: Clearly outline what you hope to learn from the internship and set specific, achievable goals in areas such as music, therapy, and communication.

  2. Mental Preparation: Anticipate emotional challenges that may arise during the internship and plan strategies for managing stress and overcoming challenges.

Professional Tools and Resource Preparation

  1. Prepare Personal Tools: Ensure you have the necessary instruments, recording/video equipment, tablet, songbooks, notebooks, etc.

  2. Collect Relevant Literature and Resources: After identifying the therapeutic population, read relevant academic articles and explore existing online audio-visual resources.

Establish Communication Channels

  1. Communicate in Advance: Contact your internship supervisor or organization’s coordinator to understand the specific arrangements, and discuss goals and expectations.

  2. Connect with Peers: Talk to peers who have completed or are about to begin their internships, learn from their experiences and advice, and build a support system.

Logistical and Practical Preparation

  1. Arrange Accommodation and Transportation: Ensure that your accommodation and transportation are arranged for the duration of the internship. Check if you qualify for any rental subsidies.

  2. Organize Schedule and Time Management: Plan your schedule for the internship period and prepare for effective time management.



  • ​音樂治療升學諮詢及預備課程:表單填寫

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