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從病房到社群:當醫事人員在分享與隱私間抉擇 From the Clinic to Social Media: When Healthcare Professionals Must Choose Between Sharing and Privacy

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身為醫事人員, 你覺得可以在社群上分享個案/病患的故事嗎? 





Recently, there has been a heated online discussion on social media in Chinese speaker community:

Could clinical professionals such as psychologists, doctors, and nurses share stories about their clients or patients on social media?


This is a question I’ve been pondering for quite some time.

I've always wanted to share so many stories from my cases.

On one hand, I believe it can help the general public better understand clinical symptoms and empathize with what clients go through. On the other hand, it can also promote music therapy, as stories are particularly engaging and these experiences also reflect the personal and professional growth of clinical workers.

However, each time I think more deeply, I feel that it’s necessary to first obtain the client's consent. Even though the intention may be good, could this still be considered a form of exploitation, using the client’s experience to increase "traffic" or "exposure"?

After treatment concludes, directly asking the client, “Can I share your story on social media?” sounds a bit awkward. Moreover, many clients are children, or they may have difficulties in verbal expression or cognition. Even if they had the chance to review the content in advance, asking them at the next session, “I wrote an article about the last treatment, do you think I can post it?” still feels a bit strange.

Once it's posted, how do we handle comments from netizens, especially negative ones? Could seeing clients' own experience discussed, or reading unfriendly comments on the Internet, have further consequences or precaution for the client?


Back to the online debate, most clinical professionals think that sharing client stories on social media (as long as personal information is not disclosed) can help the public better understand illnesses and foster greater empathy in society. At the same time, it can serve as a form of personal growth for clinical workers. However, from the client’s perspective,“Even though the name wasn’t mentioned, I trusted you, so why did you make my / my family/friends' story public?” The tension between privacy and trust is difficult to balance.

While studying in the U.S., medical ethics was a topic that supervisors and professors constantly emphasized. The ideal scenario is that any information regarding clients or patients should never be discussed outside the workplace or with non-colleagues. If sharing is to take place in non-medical or educational settings, it must ensure that no identifying information about the client is disclosed, such as age, gender, illness, location, treatment details, etc. The problem is, if nothing can be revealed, or if certain details need to be altered, the integrity of the story becomes hard to preserve (which is why I’ve gradually shared fewer case stories). Even our own training heavily relies on learning from past cases to better understand clinical practice, as textbook material can be dry and rigid, while real human experiences are diverse and unpredictable.

So, this question remains at a delicate balance: sharing client stories can educate the public and promote music therapy, but at the same time, we must respect the client’s privacy and trust. I believe many clinical workers face similar struggles and considerations. After all, our intentions are good, but we don't want to lose our professional integrity or the client’s trust through sharing.

As a healthcare professional, do you think it's okay to share client/patient stories on social media?

As a client/patient, would you mind if your story was shared?

Or do you have a good solution to this dilemma?

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments or message me privately from your perspective!


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